Saturday, 23 March 2013

Readings of chapter 1/2

Mathematics is definitely an essential learning aspect in education. The six principles, the five content standards, the five process standards,the common core standards and the six major components that the first chapter emphasised has made me realised to see and understand mathematics in a different way. Math was not my forte but I must concur that at times when there is a problem solving sum comes along, I enjoy it's challenge and solving it in various ways. When I was reading the Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics and Mathematics Teaching Today,  I strongly believe and feel that the six major components of the mathematics classroom will greatly guide me to teach maths in a more effective way. It made me understand what is needed to enforce a better learning environment to teach maths. I realised that mathematics is an understanding and students must be encouraged to solve problems with their own ideas and reasoning. Mathematics does not stand alone, it is an integral part of the holistic learning. I agree that a good curriculum that gives immense opportunities to learn maths in depth for the young is essential. It is true that to teach maths one has to change their mind set. When we feel the negativity towards it, it will reflect in our work. After reading 'Becoming a Teacher of Mathematics, it dawned upon me that a teacher encompassing the dispositions of  'Knowledge of mathematics, to be persistence, to have positive attitude, to have readiness for change and to have reflective disposition will make a great impact in teaching mathematics in depth.  
Chapter two was an interesting read. It gave me a depth of understanding the  learning theories of mathematics as in the foundation approach, concepts, benefits, the practise, what it means, what it means to understand mathematics and the relation to it. It was a real eye opener for me. For a person like me who is not a fan of maths has certainly changed the way I looked at mathematics. I truly enjoy teaching my students of 4-6 years of age math but when it comes to the depth of it on the whole, I panic. It was a fascinating discovery to explore what maths can do and what it was all about in chapter 2. I never knew this much of details are put forward to make us understand what mathematics is all about. It made me realise that with theseactivities, ideas and theories, I can simplify it for my students to understand, have fun and explore maths in a fruitful way. I'm eager to start this connecting dots as in to have ideas and connecting the existing ideas to something further. This construction greatly enhances their cognitive development. Using this practise to teach a concept of maths will be challenging and effective.