Monday, 8 April 2013

Reflections - Day 1

Today’s first session was interesting I must say.  I learned about how children learn mathematics and it was truly exciting. The CPA approach gave me a better understanding on how to teach math to children. I realize that the process of concrete, pictorial and abstract is essential components to know in order to teach math. This gives a math teacher a better idea in knowing how to plan the lesson plan too. In this session today, I also learned that there are many method to do to derive answers to math problem. There is no right or wrong way but it also gives the freedom to explore more in math.

It is very true that a child learning with concrete experiences is way more valuable than anything. With the CPA approach and discussing on how Vygotsky believed in his idea, it further made me to read more about him and his work. In my teaching experience I do believe strongly that children learn way more better with concrete things rather  I was very much amazed by the math concept of nominal and ordinal number and what it means. Nominal as in for the name like labels eg – bus numbers and ordinal numbers represents time. I did not know all these and it was interesting Dr Yap was teaching all these new terms of concepts. I was wondering how can I teach the 4 year olds though. I did try and of course they gave me the “Yes are you talking to me, kind of look”. That moment was definitely memorable.

 The card trick was pretty interesting activity. I found it quite confusing in the beginning but a few attempts with my group, I was able to comprehend. Well as the saying goes, practice makes perfect applies here.